Aussie AI

Avoid temporaries via extra member functions

  • Book Excerpt from "Generative AI in C++"
  • by David Spuler, Ph.D.

Avoid temporaries via extra member functions

There are situations where the removal of temporaries does not lead to poor style. Consider the following definition of a minimal Complex class:

    class complex {
        double re; // real part
        double im; // imaginary part
        // Constructors
        complex() { re = 0.0; im = 0.0; }
        complex(double r) { re = r; im = 0.0; }
        complex(double r, double i) { re = r; im = i; }
        // Copy constructor
        complex(complex &c) { re =; im =; }
        // Overloaded assignment operator
        void operator = (complex & d) { re =; im =; }
        // Overloaded + operator
        friend complex operator + (complex &c1, complex &c2);

    inline complex operator + (complex &c1, complex &c2)
        return complex( +, +;

Consider this class definition when used in the following code sequence:

    complex c1, c2;
    c1 = 2.0;
    c2 = c1 + 3.0;

The effect is identical to:

    c1 = complex(2.0); // invoke "double" constructor for 2.0
    c2 = c1 + complex(3.0); // invoke "double" constructor for 3.0

The C++ compiler automatically creates two temporary objects from the double constants, and calls the double constructor to do so. The inefficiency of the creation of a temporary object and the call to the constructor can be avoided by adding a few more functions to the class declaration:

    void operator = (double d) { re = d; im = 0.0; }
    friend complex operator + (double d, complex &c2);
    friend complex operator + (complex &c1, double d);

If these functions are present, then the double constants are passed directly to the double parameters of these functions. No temporary object is created, and hence the constructor is not called. Note that two symmetric versions of operator+ are required because the C++ compiler cannot assume that the commutativity of + holds for user-defined class objects.

By making the “interface” efficient for mixing complex and double variables, the creation of temporaries has been reduced. This can be generalized: it is better to provide member or friend functions to class X for a specific parameter type Y, than to provide only a constructor to create new X’s from Y’s.



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Buy: Generative AI in C++: Coding Transformers and LLMs

Generative AI in C++ The new AI programming book by Aussie AI co-founders:
  • AI coding in C++
  • Transformer engine speedups
  • LLM models
  • Phone and desktop AI
  • Code examples
  • Research citations

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