Aussie AI
Incremental Algorithms
Book Excerpt from "Generative AI in C++"
by David Spuler, Ph.D.
Incremental Algorithms
It is often easier to modify what has already been done than to start from scratch. This idea can be used to write faster algorithms. However, changing an existing algorithm to use incremental calculations will usually require a total redesign of the algorithm.
A simple example of an incremental algorithm is counting the number of symbols in a hash table. The non-incremental way to count them is to traverse the hash table, counting the number of entries along each hashed chain. The incremental method is to keeping a running count — increment it when a symbol is inserted; decrement it when a symbol is deleted. The incremental method is better if the count will be required many times. If the count is not required, there has been a small amount of unnecessary overhead.
Another good example appears in graphics animation when managing the buffers. When displaying a new screen, it is usually more efficient to change the existing screen buffer than to redraw the whole screen. The idea is to set only those pixels that need to be changed.
For another example, a chess-playing program uses a game tree and the minimax algorithm with a static evaluation function. This function usually analyses the material balance (i.e. how many pieces each side has), along with other chess strategy factors. A simple but inefficient method of computing the material value of a position is to add the values of each piece on the 64 squares. The efficient incremental algorithm is to subtract the value of the piece from a running count whenever any piece is captured by the opponent.
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