Aussie AI

Permutation Arrays

  • Book Excerpt from "Generative AI in C++"
  • by David Spuler, Ph.D.

Permutation Arrays

Most of the vectors in AI engines are not just random lists of numbers. Rather, they are (conceptually) an array of the probabilities of output words, where the position in the vector indicates which word. So, if we have our logits array, then logits[0] is the probability of “the” whereas logits[1] is the probability for “cat”, and so on, up to about 50,000, which is a common vocabulary size for LLMs.

Problems arise if we want to sort our probabilities in the logit array, and we need this for our decoding top-k algorithm. We can't just sort the vector of probability numbers, because we'll lose track of which probability maps to which token number.

Permutation arrays to the rescue! A permutation array is an array that is the same size as some other array, but maps to the indices of the other array. A permutation array for our vocabulary has 50,000 integers, each of which is the index into other arrays.

The downside of permutation arrays is that they introduce inefficiency in both space and time. Space usage is increased by having two vectors. The time cost to access a vector element increases, too. Rather than just looking up the probability for the nth word in the logits array (i.e. “prob=logits[n]”), we have a two-step procedure:

    1. Look up the index in the nth element of the permutation array (i.e. “i=permut[n]”),

    2. Use that index to look up the probabilities in the main logits array (i.e. “prob=logits[i]”).

So, it's bigger and slower. Some rescue.

However, permutations can be valuable if it allows us to do much less arithmetic overall, which is the case with “sparse” arrays where most elements are zero. This is why permutation arrays are used for LLM sparsity optimizations, but not in normal practice.

Sorting with a Permutation Array: The way to sort another array, indirectly via a permutation array, is shown in detail for the top-k decoding algorithm in Chapter 26. The basic idea is:

    1. Set up the identity permutation.

    2. Sort using an indirect procedure: (a) compare elements in the main array indirectly accessed via the permutation array, (b) swap the indices in the permutation array (not changing the main array).

So, the original array doesn't actually get sorted with only the permutation array changing. If we want to print out the main array in a sorted list, we have to do so via the permutation array. The original main array is still unsorted if we access it directly.

Sparsity with Permutation Arrays. Sparsity is an optimization where most of the weights have been “pruned” to zero, and only a small percentage remain non-zero. This saves a lot of storage space for the model, and can also run much faster. The basic vector dot product kernel only needs to calculate with non-zero weights, so we want a way to avoid processing all of the many zero weights. Again, permutation arrays are the solution!

Sparse vectors (or matrices or tensors) can be stored as parallel arrays of:

  • Non-zero weights only
  • Permuted integer index of that non-zero weight in the original vector

These two arrays are much shorter than the original vectors if there is high sparsity. If sparsity is 90%, then 10% of numbers are non-zero, and the permutation approach uses two arrays, so it is 20% of the original size. The cost of doing a sparse dot product has reduced from the full length of the original vectors, down to the average sparsity factor (i.e. how many non-zero values). In other words, the number of multiplication computations goes down to 10% FLOPs, although there's the extra permutation calculation, so it's might seem like it's 20%, but we can often hardware-accelerate the permutation array step in CPU or GPU architectures. Hence, sparse vector dot products are fast. Calculation of the vector dot product for AI inference need only multiply using the much smaller number of non-zero weights.

Can we vectorize permuted arrays for hardware acceleration? Short answer: yes. Permutations can be vectorized with hardware acceleration in both CPU and GPU versions. The C++ AVX “gather” (load) and “scatter” (store) intrinsics work for x86 CPUs. Different GPU primitives are available for permuted arrays.

Sparsity doesn't really work without permutations. A raw full-size vector containing lots of zeros doesn't vectorize well, because it still sends all of those zeros for processing. A permuted index of sparse values works much better because it only considers non-zero values.



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Buy: Generative AI in C++: Coding Transformers and LLMs

Generative AI in C++ The new AI programming book by Aussie AI co-founders:
  • AI coding in C++
  • Transformer engine speedups
  • LLM models
  • Phone and desktop AI
  • Code examples
  • Research citations

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