Aussie AI
Matrix Norms
Book Excerpt from "Generative AI in C++"
by David Spuler, Ph.D.
Matrix Norms
There are norms for matrices, but they're not really that often used. Taking a “measurement” of a matrix via a “norm” (or a “metric”) to compare it to other matrices isn't a common task.
The silly ones are element-wise matrix norms. You can define an L1 or L2 norm on a matrix using the same algorithm over all its elements. You can also find the maximum element inside a matrix, and call that the “max norm” if you like to sound math-ish. The reason I say these are dumb? Because they ignore the structure of the matrix, so it's a kind of “pseudo-norm” of a matrix. It's really just treating a matrix like it's a big, flat vector, and to me it seems more like misusing a vector norm on a matrix.
More sensible matrix norms consider the rows or columns of the matrices as separate vectors. An NxN matrix has N column vectors or N matrix vectors, so there are N vector norms. Should we add them up? No, taking the maximum of the vector-wise L1 or L2 row/column vector norms has a more useful meaning as a matrix norm than the element-wise matrix L1 or L2 pseudo-norms. You can do this maximum-of-vector-norms either for rows or columns, but not both.
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