Aussie AI
What is Normalizationand?
Book Excerpt from "Generative AI in C++"
by David Spuler, Ph.D.
What is Normalization?
Normalization is the process of controlling the generated numbers in AI inference.
We want the numbers to be like probabilities, so that the weights modify those probabilities.
Although probabilities should be in the range 0..1
(inclusive), we can allow computations to
create bigger or smaller numbers within computations (e.g. inside a component), provided that we
scale them back whenever we need them to be
real probabilities.
Hence, the numbers are “normalized” in Transformer computations
at various points between components and between layers.
There are several types of normalization:
- Basic min-max scaled normalization
- Z-score normalization
- Root Mean Square normalization (RMSNorm)
- Batch normalization (BatchNorm)
- Layer normalization (LayerNorm)
Note that Softmax is a type of normalization of a vector of numbers that's treated specially in Transformers. Softmax is examined in detail in Chapter 25.
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