Aussie AI

Examining Assembly Output

  • Book Excerpt from "Generative AI in C++"
  • by David Spuler, Ph.D.

Examining Assembly Output

Another way of examining the relative costs of particular operations for a particular compiler is to examine the assembly language produced by the compiler. Many compilers have an option to produce assembly language output. For example, under Linux the command may be:

    gcc -S main.cpp

This will produce the assembly language listing for the C++ source file and store it in a new file “main.s” as a human-readable text file. Without the -S option, the assembly output would have been passed to the assembler to create the machine code executable. GCC also has a “-masm” option that controls the different “dialects” of assembly language (e.g. “intel” or “att”). GCC also has a verbosity control on assembly output via “-fverbose-asm” and “-fno-verbose-asm” options.

Another way to generate assembly with GCC is the “-save-temps” option. This option tells GCC to save the temporary assembly language file that it used for the real compilation. Hence, this option can be used with the normal compilation mode to both build the code as normal and also output a “.s” assembly file. The advantage of this GCC “-save-temps” option over “-S' is that you don't need to create a separate build path for generating assembly text files.

Reviewing assembly code. Examining assembly language instructions produced for C++ operations can be very enlightening. For example, you can determine whether the compiler uses a special increment instruction for the ++ operator. Whether or not the compiler is performing various optimizations can also be examined.

Counting the number of assembly instructions is a simple measure and gives a reasonable indication of how efficiently an operation will be performed. A better method is to determine the number of cycles used by each instruction, but this requires a rather more intimate knowledge of the assembly language being used.

Many useful things can be discovered by examining assembly output. For example, does the expression x*2 generate a multiply instruction or a shift instruction (or an addition instruction to do “x+x”)? Does the compiler notice that x=x+1 can be replaced by x++? Is the integer % remainder operator implemented by a sequence of instructions?

Consider the use of the relational operators (e.g. >, <) in expressions such as:

    flag = x > y;

This will often produce a sequence of instructions because of the need to assign flag the value either 0 or 1. The instructions may well look like the following pseudo-assembly language:

    LOAD 10($sp) # Load x (from stack)
    CMP 12($sp) # Compare with y (on stack)
    BGT $1 # Branch if greater than
    LOAD 0 # Result of > operation is 0
    JUMP $2
    LOAD 1 # Result of > operation is 1
    STORE 14($sp) # Store in flag (on stack)

However, review the assembler for the similar test in if statements, such as:

    if (x > y) ...

For an if statement, the instructions need not be as complex, because there is no need to store the value 0 or 1 anywhere. The assembly language could be similar to branches without computations:

    LOAD 10($sp) # Load x (from stack)
    CMP 12($sp) # Compare with y (on stack)
    BLE $1 # Branch if NOT greater than
    ... # Code for if statement body
    ... # Statements after if statement



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  • Transformer engine speedups
  • LLM models
  • Phone and desktop AI
  • Code examples
  • Research citations

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