Aussie AI

Missing Bitwise Operators: NAND, NOR, XNOR

  • Book Excerpt from "Generative AI in C++"
  • by David Spuler, Ph.D.

Missing Bitwise Operators: NAND, NOR, XNOR

Note that there's no simple operator for NOR, NAND or XNOR in C++. And you might need them, since neural networks uses these uncommon bitwise operations more than normal C++ coding. For example, XNOR is needed as the vector dot product operator for binarized bit vectors, such as in binary quantization and also XNOR neural networks.

These missing operators can be easily simulated using two C++ bitwise operations, with a binary bitwise operation and the “~” bitwise two's complement unary operator afterwards.

    NAND(x,y) = ~(x & y)
    NOR(x,y)  = ~(x | y)
    XNOR(x,y) = ~(x ^ y)

So, you can just code this as fast C++ macros, right?

    #define NAND(x,y) ~(x & y)  // Bug alert!
    #define NOR(x,y)  ~(x | y)
    #define XNOR(x,y) ~(x ^ y)

No, this is broken in about half a dozen ways. To write macros correctly, you need to ensure there's parentheses around the whole expression, and also around each parameter name, to avoid getting bitten by C++ macro expansion operator precedence problems. And these macros also don't work correctly if you pass in a non-unsigned integer.

Here's some example C++ macros that work for 32-bits:

    #define AUSSIE_BITWISE_NAND(x,y) \
      (~(((unsigned)(x)) & ((unsigned)(y))))
    #define AUSSIE_BITWISE_NOR(x,y)  \
      (~(((unsigned)(x)) | ((unsigned)(y))))
    #define AUSSIE_BITWISE_XNOR(x,y) \
      (~(((unsigned)(x)) ^ ((unsigned)(y))))

You could also declare these macros as “inline” functions if you prefer. Note that these macros have a lot of parentheses to avoid various insidious precedence errors, and they also are limited to 32-bit operations. For 64-bit, you'd need to create alternative “unsigned long” versions.

These NAND/NOR/XNOR macros are convenient, but not very efficient since they perform two arithmetic operations. Single-operation versions are available in assembler if you really need them, accessible via C++ builtin intrinsic functions such as:

  • _kxnor — x86 intrinsic for XNOR bitwise operation.
  • KXNORW/KXNORB/KXNORQ/KXNORD — x86 assembler bitwise XNOR operations.
  • VPTESTNMB/VPTESTNMW/VPTESTNMD/VPTESTNMQ — x86 assembler bitwise NAND operations.

Note for the sake of completeness that there are more weird bitwise operators that do different things on a pair of bits. There are four input combinations and therefore 16 possible binary operator functions. There are three C++ bitwise operators (AND/OR/XOR), plus the three extra ones coded above (NAND/NOR/XNOR), two trivial always-zero and always-one operations, two copy-operand functions, and six other ones that are equivalent to variations with negated operands (e.g. “x&~y” is one). I'm not sure why you needed to know that.



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Buy: Generative AI in C++: Coding Transformers and LLMs

Generative AI in C++ The new AI programming book by Aussie AI co-founders:
  • AI coding in C++
  • Transformer engine speedups
  • LLM models
  • Phone and desktop AI
  • Code examples
  • Research citations

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